You Like Cooking Over Charcoal
Let's face it. Gas grilling is convenient, a little faster, and makes sense when you don't have much time. But when want that great sear on your steaks, nothing beats charcoal. And if you don't use charcoal fluid, charcoal can give your food some extra flavoring. Why not add a charcoal grill to your outdoor cooking arsenal?
Even if you have a gas grill already, there's no law that says you can't have two grills! 🙂 In fact, that would allow you to cook even more food outdoors. It's nice to have the versatility and be able to cook over charcoal when you want to. If that's what you want, the Weber One-Touch Charcoal Grill is a GREAT choice.
You Want To Be Able to Smoke
I know what you are thinking, but it's not that kind of smoking. Adding some smoke to your grilling can add a wonderful flavor to your dishes. Think about the delicious flavor of smoked chicken, smoked salmon, smoked turkey, even smoked vegetables. I remember going to a local BBQ restaurant and they were offering smoked acorn squash as their vegetable of the day. Mmmmm, that had a great flavor.
You can add some smoke if you are using a gas grill, but it's lots easier if you have a charcoal grill. Just soak some wood chips for 30-60 minutes, toss on the hot coals, and cover up. With a Weber One-Touch Goal 22.5 Inch Charcoal Grill, you have the perfect grill for doing adding some quick smoke to your dishes, or even doing some long term smoking.
You can smoke ribs, chicken, even turkeys in the Weber One Touch Charcoal Grill by creating two cooking zones. Simply put a aluminum foil pan of water in the middle of the grill bottom, put the coals around the sides of the pan, and put your turkey or ribs or whatever above the pan of water. This creates an indirect zone that gives the meat some heat from the side. The 363 square inches of the Weber One-Touch Gold 22.5 Inch Charcoal Grill is large enough to handle that.
You Want An Easy Way to Remove the Charcoal Ashes
It's a pain if you have to remove a bunch of grates and lift a tray up in order to remove the ashes. The Weber One-Touch Gold 22.5 Inch Charcoal Grill has a easy system that allows the ashes to fall out the bottom of the grill into an ash catcher. All you have to do is remove the ash catcher from the bottom of the grill and dump them out. Cleanup could not be easier.
You Like Quality
First of all, Weber has been around a looong time. They perfected this type of grill, and they keep making it better. If you check out the reviews on Amazon, you'll see that the vast majority of people are extremely happy with the quality of their Weber grills. And this one is no exception. Weber does make some less expensive grills, but benefits that you'll get with this one make it an ideal choice (ash catcher, flip up grill grates, larger grill size, and many others).
Second of all, Weber customers seem to be for life. They really, really like their Weber grills. As you read the reviews, you'll see that many people say that they have had a Weber grill for a long time. And that their father had one before them. And so on. When I see that people are saying things like that, and that they continue to buy them, I notice. In some cases, I saw that people bought more than one Weber grill. People aren't doing that if the quality isn't there. You'll get your money's worth if you get the Weber One-Touch Gold 22.5 Inch Charcoal Grill.
You Want Great Customer Service
Over and over in the reviews on Amazon, I read about the great experience that people had with the Weber customer service. While I'm sure that most don't have to call them, it's nice to know that you'll be taken care of if you need to. Here's an example of what happened when one gentleman accidentally dropped the lid to his new grill (apparently the handle of the lid can get hot, so be aware of that).
I looked forward all day to using it to prepare tonight's dinner. I noted that it had the plastic handles like my recently-purchased Weber chimney (which I knew to get hot), but did not appreciate how *very* hot they would get on the grill. The first time I lifted the lid, I learned this and so took a potholder out for the next time I checked my food. But, me being used to the wooden handle of my old grill being manageable, I forgot to use the potholder. The the heat from handle nearly took fingerprints off of my hand and I dropped the lid, denting it on one side and bending the lid vent handle.
the support gentleman acknowledged that they had made this change to the materials some years ago, and could offer no real solution like an asbestos handle (I kid...sort of). So they are sending me a new lid to replace the dented one and some complementary oven mitts to use when handling the grill.
Color me impressed, confirming the observations of others here about Weber support and commitment to quality service. If their engineering department could correct the offending problem, I might become a major stockholder! As it is now, if I can retrain myself to always use the potholder, I hope to use this grill for years to come.
OK, that's what I'm talking about when I want great customer service! It's good to know that even if something like this happens, they'll be there for you.
If you are in the market for a new grill, check out the Weber 751001 Gold One-Touch 22-1/2-Inch Charcoal Grill. I think you'll love it.

P.S. If this doesn't fit your needs there are lots of other Weber Grills available .
Mmmm, smoked acorn squash! Now that’s an idea. I picked up a weber smokey mountain earlier in the year, not quite the same as a grill, but I should have no problems with the squash idea! Thanks 🙂
I was dubious about smoked acorn squash at first, but it was great! Let me know if you try it and how you like it.