The Volcano Grill is one of those unique products that is guaranteed to delight your outdoor chef. It's versatile, compact, and light enough, that he or she will be able to cook almost anything anywhere.
If your outdoor cook likes to cook with Dutch ovens, this grill is made exactly for that purpose. But it can also be used with charcoal or wood to grill with, and some models come with a propane hook up so you can attach those small 1 lb propane canisters and cook on the grill with propane. In fact, there is no better solution to cook with when it comes to using charcoal, wood, and propane.
The Volcano Grill easily collapses to about 5" high, so you can even store it in the trunk of your car and have it available anytime and anywhere you are. Think of all the places you could take it: picnics, to the beach, boating, camping, backyard, family reunions, Scouting activities, quick trips up the canyon, over to a friends house for dinner, canoeing and on and on.
And your friends and family will be amazed to see what you can cook on this. Stir fry, baked bread, brownies, steaks, and so much more are possible.
There is probably no better solution for Dutch oven cooking. I saw my first Volcano stove about 8 years ago and was amazed at the concentrated heat it was providing to the Dutch oven--you can often get by on 12-15 pieces of charcoal, which will save you money over the long run.
The other nice thing is that because of the Volcano Grill's unique design, the outside and bottom stay nice and cool, which means that you can use it almost anywhere. The one exception is backpacking--it's too heavy for that, but anywhere you might be needing to cook where you can pull it out of the trunk of the car, it's perfect.
Have a Campfire with the Volcano Grill
Because the Volcano Grill also lets you use wood or charcoal, you can even have a small campfire with it, which is great if you want to cook at a place that doesn't allow ground fires. You can even roast hot dogs and marshmallows over it.
There are several versions you can get, mostly adding additional accessories.
Volcano II Collapsible Cook Stove
This is the basic model and is all you need to get started. You can cook almost anything with it. It does not have the propane attachment, but if your outdoor cook prefers wood or charcoal, this version will do just fine. It's about 15 x 15 x 8 inches and weighs 21.2 lbs. If you are looking for something to get started with, this is the one to get.
Volcano II Collapsible Cook Stove with Attachments
This is the basic model (above) and it comes with the propane attachment which turns your Volcano Stove into a propane grill. If you want to have the versatility to cook with wood, charcoal, or propane, then this is the Volcano Grill to get.
Click here to find out more information and to purchase.
If you want to make someone's day on Christmas, get them a Volcano Grill.

Click here to purchase.
I have a Volcano Grill and it works well. It is small. The grill area is about 15 inches round. It collapses down to an easy to manage portable grill size that uses propane, wood or charcoal. I use one of those large propane tanks. No it doesn’t have one of those domes that goes over the top of your food, it is just a heat source which is very efficient.
It would make a great grill for tailgating before a football game. It travels well and can go to the beach or on a scout camp out. It is a bit too heavy to go hiking with, but would work great on a picnic table at the state park. The collapsable legs keep the outside and bottom cool. The sides are designed to protect the fire from the wind.
It acts like a regular grill for hotdogs or to grill 4 or 5 chicken breasts, corn on the cob or hamburgers. Grill fish, pizza, or a foil dinner. You can also place a 4 or more quart Dutch oven in the center well and have the heat not only come from the bottom, but also from around the sides. It is great for a one pot meal like stew, soup or maybe baking bread or cobbler. You could put a good sized cast iron skillet on the grill for morning eggs and bacon.
If you have a space problem and can’t put one of those mammoth bar-b-que grills in your back yard, the Volcano Grill may do just what you need. Or pull it off the shelf and use it when bad weather comes your way, to warm up meals until the power comes back on. For your own safety, take it out side, don’t use it to cook in or warm up the house.