Some more fun news, info, and products that I found while searching through the web this week:
Mike's Vertical Grill
Here is a very different approach to grilling: Mike's Vertical Grill. It is unique in that it has two vertical heating 'elements', baskets that are filled with charcoal, that allow the grill to act kind of like a toaster. It grills from both sides at once! As your meat cooks, the drippings fall down into a water basin that almost completely eliminates flareups. Definitely a different approach to grilling! See the video below for a demonstration:
Barbecue & Grilling 2011 Readers' Choice Awards
- Charcoal Grill
- Gas Grill
- Backyard Smoker
- Competition Smoker
- Barbecue Sauce
- Barbecue Rub
The top 5 candidates (from hundreds of nominations) have been selected and now you get the chance to vote! Voting continues until midnight March 8 and the results will be announced on March 15th. I'll have information about the results and some comments so be sure and check back. In nothing else, you might find an interesting grill, smoker, sauce, or rub that you would like to try.
Mark's Black Pot
One of my favorite ways to cook outdoors is with a dutch oven. You can cook almost anything in it. I happened on Mark's Black Pot blog and it looks like it has some great dutch oven dishes. He's got a ton of great recipes and information about cooking with a dutch oven. I know that this type of cooking is more popular in the west (in fact, many people in the east seem to never have heard much about dutch oven cooking, a shame, since some of the best food is cooked in a dutch oven).
I found Mark's blog because of a post he had about the 2011 International Dutch Oven Society Spring Gathering and Open House (I'll bet there's a lot of people that didn't even know there was an International Dutch Oven Society!) I'm going to try and get to that event in April and let you know how it goes.
Meanwhile, I hope you'll take a minute and look at some of the great recipes and posts that Mark has on his blog as well as looking at the dutch oven recipes that I have here at Outdoor Cooking Magic.

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hey man, that vertical oven is the same they have at lou’s lunch where the hamburger was invented in 1898, where can i get one?
I believe they have them for sale at They have the cost there as well. If you get one, let me know your thoughts!
thanks scott, i’m not to sure i want to pay $ 250.00 to make burgers. when i’m ‘q ing i usually have a beer in my hand, so i’m not in that big of a hurry. 4 minutes or 8 minutes, what the hell is the diference? you know what i mean?
Yep, I know what you mean. It was just an interesting twist on what we normally use or do. There are probably some other advantages, but whether it is worth that price, don’t know.
Great to see this product finally getting some publicity! I have had mine for about a year now and love it! It’s amazing how much you can actually cook on this thing! It truly is the “ultimate tailgating grill”!
I got this same vertical grill for Christmas from my in-laws. The weather’s finally been good enough to use it. It does cook the food in half the time. I’ve so far grilled chicken, burgers and shish-kabobs and everything tastes really good. Looks like it’s well made and built to last so I plan to get a lot of use out of it.
My husband and I grill a lot during the summer. We bought this vertical grill last year and it has already paid for itself. We have five children and we’re always having their friends as well as our friends over. The meats cook evenly and quickly. I think food tastes better when its charcoal grilled.
If you enjoy cooking outdoors I think this products worth it.
Vertical grill sounds cool. Might have to try it.