I always say that it always tastes better when it's cooked outdoors and that definitely goes for potatoes. I love cooking them on the grill, but recently I tried adding some smoke and the result was wonderful. I loved the extra flavor it gave. It's pretty simple to do. Start with some washed russet potatoes, brush with olive oil, sprinkle with coarse salt and coarsely ground pepper and put on the grill. Make sure you put them in the indirect zone, which is NOT the zone that is over the flame or coals.
To add the smoky flavor, either toss some wood chips on the charcoal or create a foil pouch with wood chips. If you are putting on charcoal, make sure to soak in water for at least 30 minutes first so they won't burn up immediately. If you are cooking on the grill, then no need to soak the wood chips. Just put them on a square piece of foil, fold up the edges, and seal. Tear a couple of small holes in the foil to let smoke escape and put on the direct side of the grill--over the flames.
Close the grill cover and cook the potatoes until they are done, probably about 45 minutes, unless you have some huge potatoes. Keep them on the medium to small size to shorten the cooking time. Like normal, the potatoes are done when you can easily pierce with a fork.These potatoes are awesome--next time I'm going to cut them in half and cook that way to see if I can get even more smoky flavor throughout the potato. I hope you like these!
For more grilled vegetable tips and tricks, see GrilledVegetableMagic.com or my new ebook, Grilled Vegetable Magic.

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I first had smoked baked potatoes at a restaurant. I got a Camp Chef smoker and smoked a brisket. I included potatoes about an hour before the brisket was done. I wrapped them loosely with foil. Delicious!!
I love to bbq with smoke chips & charcoal, it makes everything taste so much better. I’ve always cooked corn on the cob (still in the husk) on the grill to get that smoky flavor on the corn but I’ve never tried potatoes this way. Normally, I’d wrap each one in foil but not anymore. I used red potatoes and they had a wonderful smoky flavor inside & out. Thanks for this tip!
Thanks for the link in your youtube video, now I know how to cook a good smoke potatoes in grill. Thanks you. I will still enjoying your videos. The problem is that in my country we only can cook in countryside beetwen October and March cause of high temperatures and fire. But now is time to try!
I hope you enjoy smoking potatoes on the grill!