I tried another smoked chicken wings recipes recently and it got rave reviews from my wife. Whenever that happens, I know that I need to share that recipe with you!
The recipe is pretty simple and comes from the book "Peace, Love, & Barbecue: Recipes, Secrets, Tall Tales, and Outright Lies from the Legends of Barbecue". I've tried several recipes from this book, and they are excellent. It mixed stories about BBQ with delicious recipes of BBQ as well as side dishes. Definitely worth having. Click here to get this book.
The Smoked Chicken Wings Recipe
Back to the wings. The first thing you do is prepare a rub to go on the wings. I used 2 1/2 tbsp of pepper, 1 tbsp onion powder, 1 tbsp garlic powder, 1 tbsp chili powder, and 1tsp seasoned salt. You could easily adjust the measures to create your own seasoning. If you like it a little bit hotter, add more pepper and chili powder. I had a bag of frozen wings, so I defrosted them, then put the rub into the bag, sealed it, and turned it all around to coat the wings. I left it on for 30 minutes, but you could go longer.
When it was about time to start grilling, I got my grill ready. I have both gas and charcoal grills and decided to use charcoal this time, so started the charcoal going. When they were nice and hot, I spread them out and put the chicken wings on top. I also tossed a handful of apple wood chips on the coals to give the wings a nice smoky flavor.
The book recommended doing these wings over indirect heat, but I was doing more than I had space for, so I just kept them up and away from the charcoal and things worked fine.
I cooked the wings for 20 minutes, then turned over, and cooked for another 20 minutes.
While the wings were on the grill, I prepared the sauce, which was 1 cup of honey, 1/2 cup of the spiciest barbecue sauce you want to use, and then three tbsp apple juice. This combination of ingredients is the key. The combination of honey and spicy barbecue sauce gave these wings a wonderful sweet and spicy flavor.
Now that I had the barbecue sauce ready, I took the wings off the grill and put them in a disposable foil pan. I poured the sauce over all the wings, and then mixed them around so that they were well coated. Then I put the entire pan back on the grill for another 20 minutes. I stirred the wings once during that time, just to keep things from burning. You wouldn't need to do that if you were using indirect heat.
The result? Five-star wings according to my wife. I have to admit that they were pretty tasty. If you want to try some wonderful smoked chicken wings that are super easy to do, this is how you do it.
You can get this recipe, along with many other delicious recipes by clicking here!

P.S. You can see my other favorite outdoor cooking cookbooks here.
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