July 1st, I sent out the Question of the Month to my email subscribers to ask what their favorite way to cook hots dogs was. I got some great answers! Some of them were awesome, some to the point, and a couple simply told me that they don't eat hot dogs so they obviously did not have an answer for me. Check out their answers:
Personally, I do not like hot dogs so they are not even on my BBQ.
One thing I found out is do a variety I use Hebrew, Oscar Meyer and good old standby Brats have a lot of condiments mustard,catchup,relish an fresh buns
D J:
(Scott: I had to laugh out loud--I think this is how my wife likes to cook her hot dogs!)
Gee, I thought everyone knew how to grill a hot dog. Put it on the grill, turn it a couple of times and when cooked take it off. You may need to put a band-aid on the blisters. It is what you do after you take it off that makes a difference. The dog goes into a bun and you apply something on top of it. The purest would squirt catsup or mustard on it and eat it from one end to the other. I know some people like sauerkraut, onions or bunches of relish (my favorite). Some like a combo of several hot dog garnishes. Mustard and relish for example.
Of course pigs in a blanket are a whole different kettle of fish. Take a refrigerated biscuit, roll it into a rope and twist it around the hot dog. Grill it until the biscuit is cooked. It gives you a hot dog in a bun the easy way.
Another way to do a hot dog is to slice it long ways about half way through the dog and stuff a piece of American cheese along the slit. Then grill them. When the dog and cheese are done, plop it into a great bun.
Some people split the dog in have long wise and grill both haves. Put two hot dogs (4 haves) side by side on a piece of your favorite bread for a sandwich. Top with your favorite sauce (maybe a nice bar-b-que sauce) or a slice of cheese. If Uncle Alf didn't come to the out door bar-b-que, you may have some franks left. Put them into a container and place them into the fridge for sandwiches later in the week or cut them up and put them in the left over beans for a side dish later. How to doctor beans is a whole different story. Some use brown sugar, molasses, mustard, bacon grease or what ever.
Some people don't use hot dogs, they use sausages. Sausages cook and dress the same way, the only difference is you have to use a bigger bun. Hot dogs are for the kids and sausages are for everyone else.
We all know that cooking hot dogs on a grill is the best way, but those people in Minnesota, they only have one weekend to get out the grill, cook the dogs and pack the grill away for next year. There are other ways to cook hot dogs for these people. Try using the broiler pan in your over. This is something most people don't use and some people don't know what it is. It is that drawer below the oven door that pulls out and has a funny looking tray in it along with other items that wondered into it over the years. All you need is that pan and tray thing (put the other things back where they belong or wait until you are done and put them back into the broiler storage draw). Of course you could always grill them on the George Forman. Some people even boil them. Can you imagine that? Of course there is always the cast iron skillet. Some wives call it the husband attitude adjustment tool.
Please serve your Jewish friends the all beef hot dogs. They would appreciate that. When I was in the Navy, we had a guy who praised the cook for the great tasting ribs. His mother never cooked them that way. They were great! There was a reason why Saul's mother didn't cook them that way. It wasn't the way the cook made them it was the meat he used.
I thought I would reply just as a matter of courtesy.
So called "Hot Dogs" are not on our family menu due to being a processed food. We have allergies with processed food so only cook Red and White meats.
Processed foods are now getting a lot of attention due to the types of so called chemicals that are used as a preservative.
Good luck and keep producing interesting topics.
Kinda depends, on the grill or over a camp fire. The best are beef dogs for sure. On the grill, wrapped with bacon. Over a camp fire, on a stick. In a beer bath works good both ways.
To all that responded, thanks! Hot dogs are something I like to do occasionally and usually dress things up with something new.
As Rick said above, it's what you do with them after you cook them that makes the difference. I agree with that in the sense that there is a huge variety of ways to dress up a hot dog after it comes off the grill. But I also like to experiment with grilling them in different ways as well. I've really like the spiral cut hot dogs that I've done recently. One of my family's favorites is the Guacamole Bacon Dogs. They are pretty simple to make. Wrap a piece of bacon around each hot dog and grill. Then put on a bun and top with guacamole and salsa. Sounds interesting until you've tasted them and then you may change your mind about hot dogs!
Anyone else have any thoughts about your favorite way to grill hot dogs? Or share with us your favorite way fixings put on the hot dogs after they come off the grill?

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