From Grady:
I'm away from my home office right now going to the Derby races, but the book I like the most is one from the Cdub fellow that had the dutch oven show on PBS Saturday's for nearly 5 years. He would set up a wall tent and camp scenario and cook outside live. He has written several books on dutch oven and outdoor cooking I have all of them. Google and you can find them on, well worth the money.
(From Scott): I believe I found these--see below to search for these on Amazon:
Walt says:
My new favorite DO cookbook is
Field Guide to Dutch Oven Cooking
Published in 2013 by Lodge.
(From Scott: wasn't sure where to find this one--I see a book by this title on Amazon, but published by the International Dutch Oven Society, but not in 2013, so perhaps there is another one).
From Tim:
Smoke & Spice
Rene's favorite is:
Planet Bbq
Steven Raichlen
From Jennifer:
Of course yours is our favorite cookbook!!! (From Scott: Thanks!)
Honestly, I get a lot from Byron's Dutch Oven Feasts at
He's done everything... and you can trust his measurements and times and temps!
I also convert our traditional family recipes. If you would put it in a roasting pan or a crock pot it's PERFECT for dutch oven!
Look at this from Grant:
Hi Scott
I hate to say this but I have over 30 cook books! One of my first ones was Char-Broil America Grills. Smoke and Spice by Cheryl and Bill Jamison. I have 6 Sunset cook books. The green chile and Mexican cook books, about 10 of them and several general cooking and baking cook books. Some of the recipes are converted over to dutch oven cooking. Have fun.
Richard said:
Any of the Boy Scout Cook Books or Dutch oven Cook Books
D1 (Kenn?) said:
I love Geezer Cookbook, Dutch oven cooking for dummies, and I will google how to cook _____(insert what ever meat, veggie or whatever here) if I cant find what I'm looking for in those two books
Tony said:
Never use a "Cookbook" but use shared recipes and ones found on the internet only.
Some great suggestions in there. The internet is a great place to go for recipes. Did you know that I have all the recipes on Outdoor Cooking Magic available on the Outdoor Cooking Magic Recipes page? Check there for some delicious things to cook. One of my personal favorites in Peace, Love, and Barbecue by Mike Mills and Amy Mills Tunnicliffe. It's got some darn good, delicious, barbecue and side dish recipes.
How about the rest of you? What are some of your favorites? Add them to the comments below.

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