I'm starting a new feature, partly because I sometimes get some pretty good looking pictures, and I want to share them with you, but it takes a bit of time to get the article and recipe written up. So I'm going to aim to share one of my pictures with you each week. Some of these pictures are for cooks that I have just done and some might be for cooks that I've done in the past, but maybe haven't shared all the pictures.
There are buttons above and below to pin, share, and tweet the picture. Plus you are welcome to use it on your site as long as you link back to this page. You can also click on the image to get a larger picture.
Hope you enjoy the pics!
Dutch Oven Potato Boats

Could you please share a recipe for the dutch oven potato boats?
Yes, I will. It will be coming shortly. I also did a video, so am working on that as well and will publish soon.