Unless you are like me and grill and bbq all year long, Memorial Day is the traditional kickoff of summer and of the grilling season. It's a great day to remember those that have given their lives for our freedoms and to get together with family and friends to cook some great food on the grill and enjoy some time together.
Here are some ideas and suggestions for your barbecue on Memorial Day.
Hamburgers are one the most popular dishes to cook on the grill. The Spinach-Mushroom Burger is a juicy, delicious burger if you are looking for something slightly different than the normal hamburger. If that isn't your thing, there are many things you can do to make plump juicy hamburgers (see 12 Ways to Make the Juiciest Burgers).
Hot Dogs
Hot Dogs are another favorite for the grill on Memorial Day. They are easy to take with you, and easy to cook, and kids will eat them. They'll even enjoy helping to cook them. You can use the standard dressings of ketchup, mustard,and relish, but there are many other ways to dress up hot dogs.
One of my favorite hot dogs was a bacon wrapped hot dog cooked on the grill and then topped with guacamole! It gave an entirely different taste to hot dogs. See Grilled Hot Dogs for a bunch of ideas of different ways you can cook and dress hot dogs. You'll be the star of the day when you show your family and friends different ways to enjoy hot dogs!
Grilled Potatoes
You might choose to go the easy way and have potato chips with your grilled meal. But Grilled potatoes are an alternative and not difficult to cook. You simply cut potatoes into wedges, brush with some oil, and sprinkle with some seasonings (salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, whatever suits your fancy). Put them on the grill and turn as they brown.
Depending on the size of the wedges, you may need to complete their cooking on indirect heat (on the grill, but not over an open flame--have the open flame heating a different part of the grill). You can serve them french fry style with ketchup, or you can serve with sour cream to dip them in. See Grilled Potatoes for more information.
Grilled Corn on the Cob

Grilled Pineapple

That's it for my suggestions this year. There are certainly many other possibilities on this website. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends.

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