1 pound Red bell pepper
1 pound Green bell pepper
1 pound Yellow squash
1 pound Zucchini squash
1 cup Olive oil
1/3 cup Italian seasoning
Peel onions and cut them into large wedges from top to bottom. Cut the tops from the bell peppers, remove the core, and cut in these into large pieces also (from top to bottom). Trim the ends from the squash and cut diagonally, into round shapes, about 1/2" thick. Toss all the vegetables in a large bowl with olive oil and seasoning. It will help season the onions if you open up the onion wedges so the seasoning can get into the wedge. Cook the vegetables on a very hot grill, turning occasionally, until the peppers are slightly charred and vegetables are tender. This won't take long, about 5 minutes. Serve immediately.

P.S. For more grilled vegetable tips and tricks, see my ebook, Grilled Vegetable Magic, available in Kindle Format or PDF format.

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