Here's a neat product I happened on yesterday. It will make life easier when you are grilling certain types of long narrow vegetables, like a asparagus or long green beans, or anything else that's similar. One problem with those types of veggies is that they have a tendency to fall between the rails of your grill. Even if you try and have them perpendicular, as you are turning them, it always seems like some end up falling through.
There are several solutions: First is to fasten several of these types of vegetables together with toothpicks. I showed how to do that when grilling asparagus. Second would be a vegetable basket. But another solution could be Grill Clips.
These clips allow you to clamp together a handful of veggies like asparagus, put them on the grill and they'll be kept together while they cook. They hold roughly a serving, so you could actually serve them to your guests just like this as well.
You buy these in a package of 4 and at the time of this post, cost about $15. You can get them here.
These would be great for your griller for birthday or Christmas.

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