I know it probably seems completely wrong, since the S'Mores are a classic campfire dessert. It doesn't get much better than a golden brown marshmallow between two graham crackers and a square of Hershey's chocolate! But I decided to change it up a bit and try some fun variations on the classic S'More. I had three of my nieces over and let them try the different variations and tell me which ones they liked best.
I first wanted to try something other than graham crackers. Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip cookies seemed tasty, so I tried that with a toasted marshmallow in between. Delicious! Not really a S'More, in the truest sense, but tasty, nonetheless. What else could you try? Gingersnaps and Oreos were two that came to mind. If you head to the cookie aisle of your favorite store, I'm sure you could find a number of other possibilities.
I also decided to switch up the chocolate that you normally put between the graham crackers. We tried Hershey's Cookies and Cream candy bar, Twix, KitKat, and Snickers. They all gave a fun twist on the flavor, but the favorites were definitely the Twix and KitKat bars. I had a S'More with the Twix and that was one of my favorites as well.
I'm sure if you thought of some of your favorite candy bars, you could come up with some great combinations as well. Think Mounds, Almond Joys, Milky Way, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Krackel bars, Thin MInts, and a whole bunch of other treats.
I think it would be fun to have a S'More bar where you lay out a whole host of options for your family or friends or guests. In the end, many might stick with the classic favorite S'More, but maybe someone will find a whole new delicious combination and you'll be the hero!
We had a great time trying the different combinations. Hope you find them as tasty as we did!

P.S. Let me know some of your favorites in the comments below.
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have you tried Mexican s’mores? they include crushed graham crackers, mini marshmallows, chocolate chips wrapped in a flour tortilla placed in foil and tossed on the charcoal, fire until melted. S’mores without a mess!
Will, I have not tried that, but that sounds delicious. It’s on my list to try next time. Thanks for the suggestion!
It’s fun making “different” s’mores flavors. My favorite is using a mini Reese peanut butter cup or a Rolo. YUM!!
Ronda, I thought about the Reese peanut butter cup, but I didn’t see any on the candy stand I was looking at, but I’m sure they are delicious as well. And Rolos? Yeah, that would be good as well. We actually thought about melting caramels with the marshmallow over the fire and including that with the chocolate on the graham cracker. There are tons of possibilities. Thanks for the comment!
A lot of people like their marshmallows crispy and black. If you want them to be golden brown, try dipping them in water before putting them on the fire. They are coated with sugar which burns to give you that outer black shell with the inner hot goo. Just plunge your marshallow (stick and all) into a glass of water first then roast as usual. Cook them until they are toasty brown.
I have never heard of dipping them in water. I will have to try that–thanks for the tip!