I've done it! I've spent the last month writing my first Kindle eBook and it is now live on Amazon. The book is called Grilled Vegetable Magic and tells the tips and tricks to cook great tasting vegetables on the grill. I wrote this book as part of the 30 Day Challenge that is run by Ed Dale.
If you do anything on the internet and want to participate in learning more about how the internet works, I highly encourage you to sign up for and participate in next years challenge (and actually it's not too late to participate in this year's challenge. Ed and group are going to leave the training material up for another 60 days). Not only is it lots of fun, but you learn a lot about how to get things done and get to put them into practice. You also get to accomplish something as part of the challenge and feel good about what you have done!
The book is currently selling for $0.99, but that will probably change as I try out different price points, so now is a good time to get it. I'd love to have you leave me a rating and review on Amazon and send me some comments as well. You can send those via my contact page, or leave them in the comments below.

I am truly sorry. I have not advanced to ebooks yet. I am still a “hardcopy” individual. However, I am interested in a copy of the book. I downloaded a copy of your book, Outdoor Cooking Magic Tricks, awhile back. Will you be able to provide that option later on? Thank you very much.
I can see about doing that–I actually have another version coming out in the next month or so that I probably will make available for a cost that will have lots more tips and tricks. I will see what I can do about making this one available in hard copy. Thanks for asking.