I recently experimented with grilling tomatoes. I tried several methods and came up with one that got "5 stars" from my wife, Sue. It's easy to do and results in a grilled tomato that has a ton of flavor. I hope you enjoy it.
First, I cut a medium sized tomato in half and then removed the pulp and seeds from the inner sections:
Next I sprinkled some salt and pepper on the cut side of the tomato. Then put the tomato on the grill, cut side down, and grilled on high heat for about 15 minutes. My goal was to get the cut side to just start to char a little.
When the tomato was just starting to char, I flipped it over (I used tongs, but would suggest a spatula, as the skin of the tomato can start to slip away).
Drizzle a little bit of Italian dressing on the tomato, which allows it to settle down into the hollow tomato sections (where you removed the pulp and seeds). The idea here is to get some more flavor down inside the tomato so that when you eat it, all the flavor isn't at the top.
Sprinkle the cut side of the tomato with shredded Mozzarella cheese and top it off with a sprinkling of salt and pepper, and basil.
Grill until the cheese is melted and serve!
Pretty delicious, if I so say so myself! When I do this again, I'm thinking I might actually gently push some of the cheese down into the hollow tomato sections.
Grilled tomatoes are a nice, easy side dish and a great addition to your grilled meal.

P.S., For more great grilling tips and ideas, I recommend How to Grill. It has a ton a great grilling ideas for almost anything you would want to cook on the grill. Click here for more information.
P.P.S For more grilled vegetable tips and tricks, see my ebook, Grilled Vegetable Magic, available in Kindle Format or PDF format.

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I am surprised you were able to grill the tomato for about 15 minutes on high. I would have thought it would have ended up burnt instead of a little charred as your picture looks. I think you should put fresh basil on the tomato, and maybe try fresh mozzarella if you have it. Fresh basil is so awesome, and once you use it I don’t think you would make this recipe with the dried basil ever again. Also, I think I would try this maybe with a little balsamic vinegar or olive oil.
Thanks for your comments. I was surprised myself about grilling the tomatoes that long on high. My grill, and where I had them on the grill, would affect that, I suppose, so adjust as needed for your grill. And I would agree with the fresh basil. I didn’t have any available immediately, but I’m sure they would have tasted even better. Great suggestion with the balsamic vinegar. I’ll try that next time and see how that tastes.
Oh yea this is something I would LOVE! And after successfully growing tomatoes this season, I’m looking forward to doing it again next year.
Great idea!
Angie, I hope that you enjoy them! I grilled tomatoes a bunch of different ways a few weeks ago. I took some of the best, modified it, and came up with this method. Good to hear from you.