I came across the Auspit Rotisserie at a Dutch oven event that I went to earlier this year. The Auspit Rotisserie allows you to cook most anything over a fire, even bread! And it appears to be easy to cook with. All you do is pound the stake into the ground, slide the meat onto the spit, flick on the motor and you are cooking your food over the fire.
You can control the temperature by adjusting the height and angle that the spit is over the fire. That let's you put your dinner exactly where it needs to be to keep it from burning.
Want to cook for a large crowd? The Auspit Rotisserie holds 18 lbs of food, plenty to feed a large group. And since there a bunch of ways to cook, you can cook a wide variety of things, from roasted chestnuts to whole turkeys.
Best of all, there is something about cooking your food slowly over the fire--you won't get a flavor like that in almost any other way. Slow cooking allows the meat to cook in its own juices.
The Auspit Rotisserie comes with a motor that runs on a couple of D-batteries. It doesn't take much power--these batteries should be enough to run the motor for about 90 hours.
The whole system packs into a handy compact carrying case, and weighs only 11 pounds, even with all the accessories.
What kind of accessories can you get? That's where things get really interesting. Here's what is available:
This accessory lets you cook even when you can't build a ground fire. You can use it to with wood or charcoal. It's basically a trough that is loaded onto the vertical bar that holds the spit and is where you put your fire! That way you can cook almost anywhere.
Get the Auspit Rotisserie with FireTrough here.
This cool accessory is basically a tumbler that lets you cook vegetables, chicken wings, nuts, peppers, bread, scallops, bacon, and much more. You can even cook popcorn, my favorite snacks, over the fire in the Spitmate. There is a larger version, smaller version, and even a mini version. The smaller and mini Spitmate leaves some space on your spit to cook other things and works great with the FireTrough. This accessory really adds to the versatility of the Auspit Rotisserie.
Find out more about the Spitmate, Spitmate Junior, and Spitmate Mini.
Squeezeloc Spikes
These allow you to add extra spikes to your spit, to hold even more food! You can even squeeze them closer together so you can cook more, like doing 48 marshmallows at a time. They are ideal for veggies or even chicken.
Get more info about the Squeezeloc Spikes here.

I am interested in an outdoor wood burning rotisserie that would hold a suckling pig or a lamb. I am concerned that your rotisserie has only one vertical bar to hold the heavy horizontal bar. Please advise.
Thank you,
From their website, it says that this rotisserie will hold 18 lbs. If your pig or lamb is that size or heavier, I agree that this rotisserie would probably not work for you. You’ll want to try one that is supported on both sides.